Flanger is quite distinctive - it's that classic jet engine sssshhhhhwwooooosshhh tone which is a lot easier to hear than type out! Often described as quite metallic, it can be both overwhelming and subtle. The signal is duplicated and then delayed and blended back with the original. Delay is then changed and produces a comb filtering.
Flanger Pedals
Electro Harmonix Andy Summers Walking on the Moon
Walrus Audio Walrus Audio Polychrome Analog Flanger
Old Blood Noise Old Blood Noise Endeavors Flat Light
EarthQuaker Devices EarthQuaker Devices Pyramids
Electro Harmonix Electro Harmonix Electric Mistress Deluxe
Keeley Keeley Bubble Tron
Electro Harmonix Electro Harmonix Stereo Electric Mistress
Electro Harmonix Electro Harmonix Mod 11
Wampler Wampler Terraform
Electro Harmonix Electro Harmonix Neo Mistress